

My approach to art focuses on several different avenues but on a fundamental basis my first steps generally revolve around a mixture of macro and micro improvised linework on a blank substrate. This lays the groundwork on which future decisions are built upon and is usually done in a rapid and intuitive state of mind. 

Then, the works transform through a process I like to call 'Iterative Abstraction', a series of layers that include paint and more drawing, each layer communicating between the previous and next in which a dialogue develops and forms the arch of the work. 

I also have a longstanding relationship with experimentation in other mediums- working with computers and robotics, as well as creation inside of virtual spaces. I'm fascinated by the concepts of scale, replicability, and combining existing works together through various techniques to find new work. 

If you'd like to learn more or have any questions, please feel free to reach out